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EMI Calculator

EMI is an oft repeated term that is associated with any loan taken. Let us understand how EMI works and what are the different aspects associated with EMI. The EMI facility helps the borrower plan his budget. The EMI is calculated taking into account the loan amount, the time frame for repaying the loan and the interest rate on the borrowed sum.

An Equated Monthly Instalment (EMI) is usually a fixed amount of money that you need to pay your bank or lender every month as repayment of a loan taken, until your loan is totally repaid. It is essentially made up of two parts, the principal amount and the interest on the principal amount, divided across each month of the loan tenure. The EMI is always paid to the bank or lender on a fixed date each month.

Formula to calculate an EMI:

EMI = [P x I x (1+I)^N]/[(1+I)^N-1], where P is the loan amount or Principal, I is the Interest rate per month. [To calculate rate per month: if the interest rate per annum is 14%, the per month rate would be 14/(12 x 100)], and N is the number of instalments.

EMI Calculator

Total Interest:

Total Amount:



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